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Arbitrary Memories 1

Arbitrary Memories 1

YEAR: 2022
Digital Movie mp4
Length: 2 minutes

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Arbitrary Memories 1


Indeed, Marcel Proust shows that time can be stopped when it surrenders to arbitrary memory. Often this is triggered by mundane events. In Proust's case, this moment takes place when he dipped a piece of madeleine in a cup of tea, and when the taste of the cake touched his palate with the sip of tea, he winced and experienced an unheard-of feeling of happiness.
The artist works with methods called subliminal messages, which are visual or auditory stimuli that the conscious mind cannot perceive, often inserted into other media such as TV commercials or songs. This kind of messaging can be used to strengthen or heighten the persuasiveness of advertisements, or to convey an altogether different message entirely. However, these messages can also positively influence people's minds and memories, if they evoke memories that touch people positively. Of course, this can be a very subjective and individual approach, since different memories are essential for moments of happiness.
True subliminal messages cannot be observed or discovered by the conscious mind, even if you’re actively looking for them. This is because stimuli to which we respond every day – the things we see and hear around us – are above the threshold of conscious perception, unlike subliminal messages, which are below this threshold. (
According to Blaise Pascal, we still have the problem of being alone with ourselves in an empty room. For this reason, this method is interesting for the artist mainly because 1. in our human existence we most want to stop time, not think about illness and death and always want to be young, are masters of distraction (movies, parties, alcohol, drugs), and despite distraction and cosmetic surgery we usually do not achieve this feeling of happiness and 2. because people with dementia or people with depression can probably also be made happy and positive with this method. If advertising is not abused, it could be used subliminally - even in times of pandemic and uncertainty, for example - to make people happy and stop time for them for a moment of happiness.

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arbitrary memories I
is dedicated to Igor Lintz-Maués, a very dear friend of mine, who unfortunately has Parkinson's disease and Parkinson's dementia. Cut into the film are pictures of happiness defined by himself, which his wife Elke has graciously made available to me.

Arbitrary Memories 1

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