YEAR: 2020
The disappearance of colors,
Oil on Canvas, 2020, 100 x 140 cm

Shortly before the Covid-19 lockdown, the artist and her team were awarded the artistic research project Dementia Empathy Education Arts. Artistic Research on Patterns of Perception and Action in the context of an aging society (AR-609) was funded by the FWF. After a work in schools and nursing homes was impossible, the research group conducted online workshops. The artist abstracted results from participants, who identified parts of the memory known as "TANS" that suddenly no longer a whole, in people with dementia. Vision disappears in dementia patients increasingly and immerses everything in a kind of fog. People with dementia often isolate themselves from society.
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During the lockdown, we all experienced isolation. The colors faded both for people
with dementia, who were increasingly unable to understand the situation, and for artists, who had to learn to deal with a reduced perception of the world. The disappearance of the colors was painted with fine brushes with the inspiration of a section of the series TANs I. The picture was then painted over with a white veil of color. The moment of the overhaul hurt. Not only were details lost, but the colors also faded.
It's a before and after, one and the same picture.