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Online Panel discussion on "Digital Humanism"

Panel Discussion LIVE on Digital Humanism
© Adobestock / Wiener Zeitung

Vienna 14th of December 2020, 18:30 - 20:00 (CET, UTC +1)

Resident Art4Science artist Ruth Mateus-Berr is going live in a panel discussion by Wiener Zeitung. Topic: "Digital Humanism"

Today, information can be accessed at any time and in a flash via smartphones.

Current questions are: Can artificial intelligence deliver education better than humans in the future? Do algorithms promote more effective learning outcomes? Does the use of AI increase educational opportunities? What does humanistic education mean in the digital world? Or, is there a need for a revolution that fully reintegrates education, arts and sciences? The narrowing of the digital divide, the effort to impart information literacy to all, is a current task of politics and society.

Introduction: Anita Eichinger, Director of the Vienna Library in the City Hall.


Hannes Androsch, industrialist, former Minister of Finance and Vice Chancellor

Ruth Mateus-Berr, Art & Design Educator, University of Applied Arts Vienna

Christiane Spiel, Professor of Educational Psychology and Evaluation, University of Vienna


Judith Belfkih, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Wiener Zeitung

Venue Panel discussion live on Youtube:

Urania, Uraniastraße 1

1010 Wien

A cooperation of the University of Applied Arts Vienna with the Vienna Library in the City Hall and the Wiener Zeitung.

For more information visit:


Details may be subject to change.

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